New material may enhance electrical conduction capabilities

A kind of superconducting material that Chinese researchers have found may find new uses in information technology and energy-saving technology.
The discovery was released on Wednesday in the prestigious international science magazine Nature.

When a substance is superconducting, electricity flows through it without encountering any resistance. This means that when electricity passes through a superconductor, no energy is lost as heat.

At a temperature of 193 C, the novel material, a nickelate, is superconducting. Compared to other superconducting materials, this is higher.

According to Wang Meng, the research's principal investigator and the deputy dean of the School of Physics at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, the discovery offers a new family of compounds to study superconductivity.
According to Wang, this could result in the design and development of more useful superconducting materials with the aid of computer and artificial intelligence technology.

He asserted that more applications would be made available in the areas of engineering, computer technology, industrial processing, electricity, biology, and transportation.

For instance, magnetically levitated trains utilizing a nickelate material may run more steadily and carry more loads if it shows to have satisfactory performance.

"I'm simply referring to the well-known programs here. It's difficult to predict the undiscovered uses since technology advances so quickly, said Wang.

Scientists may be able to produce new superconducting materials with even higher critical temperatures thanks to the discovery of this new substance and better comprehend the mechanism underlying superconductivity.
More than a dozen theoretical and experimental articles by other authors have been released since the report was published on the preprint server arXiv last month, according to Wang.

He stated that the group's goal is to find nickelates with better superconductivity while working on high temperature nickelate superconductors at atmospheric pressure.

About Nickelate

Condensed matter physics and materials science have paid a lot of interest to nickelates, a group of transition metal oxides. These substances have fascinating electrical and magnetic properties, which make them interesting research topics. Nickelates have emerged as interesting materials for scientific developments due to their potential for high-temperature superconductivity and various uses in catalysis, energy storage, and electronics. The interesting world of nickelates is explored in this article, along with its structures, properties, and level of knowledge.

Crystal Organizations and Electronic Setups

Nickelates, which are frequently represented by the formula ABO3, have a perovskite crystal structure, with the nickel cation (Ni2+ or Ni3+) present in a high oxidation state at the B-site and a rare earth or alkaline earth metal cation occupying the A-site. Around the nickel cations, the oxygen atoms organize into an octahedral coordination to produce a three-dimensional lattice.

Understanding nickelates' distinctive features requires an understanding of their electrical structure. Strong electron correlations are caused by the partially filled d-orbitals that occur from nickel's high oxidation state. Depending on variables like temperature, pressure, and doping, this property gives birth to a range of electronic phases, including metallic, insulating, and even superconducting states.

Magnetic and electronic characteristics

Nickelates are fascinating for fundamental study because they display a wide variety of electrical and magnetic properties. These compounds frequently exhibit Mott insulating behavior, where electron-electron interactions predominate and prevent metallic conductivity, as a result of strong electron correlations. A careful equilibrium between different electronic phases is achieved through the interaction of electron-electron interactions, crystal structure, and charge transfer mechanisms.

Additionally, depending on the composition and doping, nickelates can exhibit magnetic properties including antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism. Uncovering the underlying principles and revealing possible applications in spintronics and magnetic storage devices depend on understanding the genesis of magnetism and how it interacts with other electronic states.

Hyperthermic Superconductivity

The possibility for high-temperature superconductivity in nickelates is one of the field's most astounding discoveries. 2019 saw the introduction of rare earth element replacements, which led to the development of superconductivity in a lanthanum nickelate combination. The possibility of creating superconducting materials that function in less extreme settings than traditional superconductors has led to great enthusiasm about this discovery.

Investigations are currently ongoing to determine the precise mechanisms underlying nickelates' high-temperature superconductivity. Researchers are examining how charge carriers, electrical correlations, and lattice distortions contribute to superconducting behavior. Understanding these mechanisms would advance not only our knowledge of superconductivity but also open the door to the creation of brand-new materials with real-world uses in energy transmission and storage.

Applications and Prospects for the Future

Nickelates have potential for use in a variety of technical applications. They are desirable candidates for catalysis due to their distinctive electrical and magnetic properties, especially in oxygen reduction reactions for fuel cells and oxygen evolution reactions for water splitting. Due to their tunable conductivity and redox characteristics, nickelates might possibly be utilized in energy storage systems like rechargeable batteries.

Nickelates have the potential to be used in electronics for non-volatile memory and high-density data storage. They are intriguing for applications involving future device downsizing and high-performance computing because of their capacity to flip between several electrical phases in response to external stimuli.

The desired electronic states of nickelates can still be controlled and stabilized, but there are still issues with their material quality and scalability for use in practical applications.


A fascinating environment for examining the complex interplay between electrical, magnetic, and structural properties is provided by nickelates, a type of transition metal oxides. Nickelates have a lot of potential for catalysis, energy storage, and electronics due to their fascinating magnetic properties, various electronic phases, and potential for high-temperature superconductivity. The goal of ongoing research is to identify the underlying mechanisms and develop strategies for utilizing these materials in real-world settings, opening up new vistas for the growth of science and technology.
