Google's AI chatbot known as Bubble Characters has apparently been discontinued.

Recent reports suggest that Google has decided to "deprioritize" this project as part of an internal reorganization, effectively halting further development.

According to insider information received by CNBC, Google had been tirelessly working on an AI-powered mobile chatbot software dubbed "Bubble Characters" that featured interactive digital characters in an effort to cater to the tastes of Gen Z customers. According to internal papers, this initiative was started in the fourth quarter of 2021 with the intention of giving the younger generation compelling and human-like dialogues. But according to recent rumors, Google has opted to "deprioritize" this project as part of an internal reorganization, thus putting a stop to further progress.

The talking digital characters featured in the Bubble Characters app could actively engage in conversations with Gen Z users. Its distinctive selling feature was its capacity to imitate "human-level conversation," using advanced language models and datasets to provide natural and engaging interactions. Google declined to comment on the situation, but internal company documents reveal the app's intriguing potential.

One illustration included a cheerful, cartoon-like character who was skilled at conversing, following up with questions, and even giving relationship advise. A mobile chatbot experience that resembled a conversation with a close friend or confidant was the goal. Google's entry into this market demonstrates both its understanding of the growing significance of chatbot technology and its goal to attract Gen Z consumers, a powerful generation recognized for their comfort with technology and preference for individualized experiences.

However, following the most recent internal reorganization, the focus switched to a competing project named Bard under the Google Assistant organization, which is in charge of creating virtual assistant applications and enabling two-way interactions. This change in emphasis coincided with the departure of important executives. In order to prepare for Bard's planned launch, certain members of the Bubble Characters team were consequently reassigned to work on Bard. Although Bard's specifications are yet unknown, this action shows that Google believes this alternative chatbot project has a lot of potential.

Additionally, there have been some exits from Google's AI research community as well, with well-known researchers leaving to found their own chatbot businesses. Notably, Character.AI, a firm devoted to developing a companion AI chatbot, was formed by former Google researchers Noam Shazeer and Daniel De Freitas. Character.AI managed to receive a notable $150 million investment in February, led by Andreessen Horowitz, despite a generally lethargic funding market. This development emphasizes how chatbot technology is gaining popularity and how many people think it has the ability to revolutionize a variety of sectors.
